2010 年转眼就要结束,明天就是最后一天了。。。
It's not like my english is very good and fluent but i spent almost 25mins just to write those two lines above this line.
Haha... it's weird to write in chinese nowadays but i won't ever ever forget my mother language ... i shall try harder !
2010 is going to end soon, very very soon ...
I am writing this to express my gratitude to MY FRIENDS specially !! =)
This year we had went through alot of things together
... study...tuition...laugh...joke...cry...sing...emo...crazy...eat...gossip...not paying attention...hiking...OMO...
'Thanks !' is all i can say...
* Wifey*
-Eunice Ang-
I miss u so much !! Although we don't meet each other alot ... once in a while perhaps ... but i constantly remember u and hope to sing with u again and laugh with all other wifeys !! Thanks for everything !!
-Phei Wei-
Although u have ur next half but i still want ur small portion of heart so save me a piece ! Haha ... remember what happen that very night?? Really careless of me but this will become our secret ... ssshhh... don't tell anyone k?
Thanks for everything !! Miss u ...
-Chiew Hoong-
Since u left for Kampar i missed u so much! Excited to see u when u came back to Penang! Remember that no matter what happen i am here for u... but of course u have someone else but mayb save me abit k?? Thanks for everything !! Miss u ...
-Hui Ting-
U are always quiet and keep everything for urself ... Don't worry i am here for u! Since u have someone to keep ur heart already then u save me a piece! Haha... Since u changed school, we can't see each other so often except during tuition. Don't be so blur. Thanks for everything !!
-Sze Meing- a.k.a OMO vivi
U have a broad niche huh?? haha...We had sticked together for good...it's far too much to be said... but both of us know ... Thanks for everything !!
-Chiew Ching-
I am sorry for ditching u again... haha...U are a true friend...miss u so much when u left for Aimst.I really hope that u achieved what u have dreamed of... all the best! i know u have stress but think of me i am here for u! Thanks for everything !! Miss u ....
-Omo Nana-
-Omo Ah Yun-
-Omo Ah Xian-
-Omo vivi-
We spent most of the time together!! Really crazy of us... far too much to be said! Thanks for everything !!
I hope that we can go to uni together !!! All the best OMOS ...
-Lee Chien-
-Jia Yen-
-Chun Chan-
-Sin Yun-
-Pei Xian-
-Su Zhen-
-Ee Wen-
-Ling Ying-
-Chee Lee-
-Siew Chii-
-Ee Jin-
-Yin Yee-
-Xueh Ying-
We have gone through alot of things together this year... remembered our teacher said we lacked class spirit and then we improved... haha... happy to be with all of u !! Happy to be one of L6SC ...
Thanks for everything !!
-Mun Pheng-
U are a special friend... we have known each other too long! Since 5 yr old !!! Although we lost contact abit but i have always remember u ... U are in my heart ! Thanks for everything !! All the best and we can go to uni together =)
-Jin Ying-
U helped alot in the bio project and solved alot of maths for me !! Thanks for everything !!
-Hui Qin-
U also helped alot in the bio project! Glad to have u in the group...Thanks for everything !!
-Yih Ying-
Play badminton together !! miss u... Thanks for everything !!
-Yoke Yen-
Miss u and all the best ~~ Remember to have confident !! smile... thanks for everything !!
-Peng Xian-
U are a good friend... a super funny guy!! Always can solve my questions.. haha.. Thanks for everything !!
Long time no see.. haha... all the best !! Thanks for everything !!
-Jing Wei-
A friendly guy... haha... same like before but a bit emo... mayb stress??smile k. haha... Thanks for everything!!
-Boon Wei-
miss u alot !!! always so cool and always call my name so loud .. haha Thanks for everything !!
-Wei Hong-
A very nice guy... caring and everything ... like to joke but serious when study... haha. Thanks for everything !!
-Tze En-
Nothing to be said because u are the best brother !! haha... Thanks for everything !!
Not to be forgotten of frens that are always there .... Thanks for everything!!
-Qian Mei-
-Hui Zanne-
-Yan Min-
-Sharlene Beh-
-Wan Yee-
-Li Qing-
-Pei Yong-
-Siew Chuan-
-Jun Hui-
-Yik Xian-
Not to be forgotten of ppl crap with me in fb... haha ... thanks for everything
-Kai Chung-
-Yee Teng-
Did i left out someone??
If u consider me as ur fren then u have my gratification... haha... Thanks !!

P/S: i know omo vivi may not be seeing this in fb so i post here for omo vivi to read !!
I know mayb for omos it's too short but u all know my heart !!!! =)